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Grow Your Vision

Whether you're seeking personal growth, navigating life transitions, or aiming to optimize your organization's performance, Michigan Institute is the ideal partner to guide you on your journey. With our compassionate approach, insightful guidance, and unwavering dedication, Michigan Institute empowers individuals and organizations to overcome challenges, unlock their full potential, and lead lives of fulfillment and success.



My name is Melissa

I'm a highly skilled and compassionate mental health counselor with an incredible 16 years of experience in the field of counseling. With a passion for helping individuals overcome personal obstacles and achieve optimal dimensions of well-being, I have attained knowledge as a leading expert in the realm of mental health counseling, life coaching, and performance improvement.


Throughout my illustrious career, I have been dedicated to empowering countless individuals and organizations to unlock their full potential. My expertise extends beyond traditional counseling methods, and have mastered the art of advanced Motivational Interviewing, a highly effective approach to inspiring change and fostering personal growth for individuals and organizations. 


As a life coach, I possess a profound understanding of the complexities of human behavior and the intricate interplay between mental and emotional factors. I have honed my skills in helping clients identify their strengths, overcome self-limiting beliefs, and navigate life's challenges with resilience and clarity. My unwavering commitment to my clients' well-being has given me a reputation as a trusted guide and mentor, transforming lives with my empathetic support and expert guidance.


In addition to my work with individuals, I have also become a sought-after consultant for many Fortune 500 companies, specializing in organizational psychology and performance improvement. My comprehensive understanding of human dynamics within the workplace enables me to develop tailored strategies that enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall organizational success. With a keen eye for identifying areas of improvement, I have played a pivotal role in transforming workplace cultures and facilitating positive change within some of the world's most prominent companies.


My exceptional ability to blend their diverse skill set, from mental health counseling to life coaching and organizational consulting, sets me apart as a multifaceted professional dedicated to improving the lives of others. My unwavering passion, combined with extensive knowledge and experience, has solidified my role as a true trailblazer in the field of mental health and performance enhancement.

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